There are a good number of individuals’ and families who would prefer to have just residency/resident permit of another country without becoming a citizen of that country. Many countries offer investment programs that allow such person or families to become residents while keeping their country of citizenship. We can assist you and such families. There is a wide range of rights and privileges associated with residency which comes close to citizenship. For example, residents of some countries enjoy the same social, travel and economic benefits. The following countries have programs that offer residency to individuals and families from other countries through investments;
Choose your country of interest and contact us for details.
AISC fees and charges depend on the country you select, the investment option you choose and the number of dependents. Initial retainer is required. The total agreed fee will be paid into an escrow account in advance. It is released only when your application is submitted to the Government. Our service charge does not include application fee. Application fee is determined by each country. Interested applicants should also make provision for out of pocket expenses related to the investment or purchase of property, translation and authentication of documents where applicable.